National Refinery Limited

New CUIN Registration number 0001747 NTN-No 0711325-7

Shareholder's Information

NRL’s shares are listed at Pakistan stock exchange limited

The Company is represented at Pakistan stock exchange limited by the symbol NRL

Unclaimed / unpaid shares / dividend to vest with Federal Government

(Unclaimed Unpaid Dividends / Shares Prior to year 2015)

A notice dated June 30, 2017 was sent through registered post acknowledgement due on the last known addresses of these shareholders to submit their claims within three months to the Company; some replies there against have been received.

Pursuant to 'Unclaimed Shares, Modaraba Certificates, Dividend, Other Instruments and Undistributed Assets Regulations, 2017' added to SECP's website on October 10, 2017, the Company has published FINAL NOTICE in newspapers on October 13, 2017 inviting claims from the shareholders to be lodged within 90 days, and in case no claim is received within the given period from the final notice, the Company shall proceed to deposit the unclaimed/unpaid amount with the Federal Government pursuant to the provisions of sub-section (2) of section 244 of the Companies Act, 2017.

Details of shares / dividend that have remained unclaimed or unpaid for a period of three years, pertaining to the periods prior to year 2015, is attached herewith.


(Unclaimed Dividends Year 2021)

A notice dated October 22, 2024 has been dispatched via courier/registered post services to the last known address of the shareholders whose unclaimed dividends pertaining to year 2021 are appearing in our record. Details of the unclaimed dividends for the year 2021 is attached herewith.


(Unclaimed Dividends Year 2018)

A notice dated October 19, 2021 has been dispatched via courier/registered post services to the last known address of the shareholders whose unclaimed dividends pertaining to year 2018 are appearing in our record. Details of the unclaimed dividends for the year 2018 is attached herewith.


(Unclaimed Dividends Year 2017)

A notice dated October 26, 2020 has been dispatched via courier/registered post services to the last known address of the shareholders whose unclaimed dividends pertaining to year 2017 are appearing in our record. Details of the unclaimed dividends for the year 2017 is attached herewith.


(Unclaimed Dividends Year 2016)

A notice dated October 29, 2019 has been dispatched via courier/registered post services to the last known address of the shareholders whose unclaimed dividends pertaining to year 2016 are appearing in our record. Details of the unclaimed dividends for the year 2016 is attached herewith.


(Unclaimed Dividends Year 2015)

A notice dated February 6, 2019 has been dispatched via courier to the last known address of the shareholders whose unclaimed dividends pertaining to year 2015 are appearing in our record. Details of the unclaimed dividends for the year 2015 is attached herewith.


E-Dividend - Mandatory

Members of the Company are hereby requested to comply with the provisions of Section 242 of the Companies Act, 2017 and provide the particulars of their bank accounts through E-Dividend Form. Dividends payable in cash shall only be paid through electronic mode directly into the bank account designated by the entitled shareholders instead of through issuance of Dividend Warrants. In the absence of bank account details or in case of incomplete details, the Company will be constrained to withhold the payment of cash dividend of those shareholders who have not provided the same.

Therefore, shareholders of the Company are requested to submit their E-Dividend Form to M/S CDC Share Registrar Services Limited on the E-Dividend Form attached herewith as well as annexed at the end of annual report. *

Note: CDC Shareholders should submit their E-Dividend Form directly to relevant Participants/CDC Investor Account Service.

E-Transmission of Annual Report

The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) through S.R.O. 787(I)2014 dated 08-09-2014 has allowed companies to circulate annual balance sheet and profit and loss account, auditor’s report and directors report (Audited Financial Statements) along with notice of Annual General Meeting (Notice) [collectively referred to as “Annual Report”] to its members through e-mail. All members/shareholders of the Company who desire to opt for electronic transmission of annual report are requested to provide the requisite information in the attached form giving their consent for transmission of Audited Financial Statements and Notice of AGM in electronic mode in the form of Company’s Annual Report instead of sending the same through courier/postal services. The Company will however provide hard copy of the Annual Report to such members within one week of their request. *

Request for transmission of annual report in hard copy form

In compliance with S.R.O.389(I)/2023 dated 21st March 2023, the members / shareholders of the Company who desire to opt for transmission of annual report in printed hard copy form may send their request providing requisite information in the attached form. *

Withholding of dividend due to non-availability of CNICs

In relation to the years 2016, 2017 2018 & 2021 SECP has allowed to withhold payment of dividends to all those shareholders who have not provided copies of CNICs. List of such shareholders, year wise, is attached herewith.  YEAR 2016  *  YEAR 2017  *  YEAR 2018  *  YEAR 2021  *